Preschoolers Say The Darndest Things

While being stung by a bee a Luke  said "It's eating my skin off!"

Mandy was looking down her shirt. When asked what she was doing 
she replied "I'm pulling up my bra!"

Alison doesn't like to do the crab walk in gym class and stated "I am 
never ever,  ever,  ever coming back here again."

While rubbing his head, Matthew said "I have a cow lick right here."

"Mrs. Jana, How do they make straight pretzels?" asked Sarah.

When asked if Mommy and Daddy voted for the president yesterday, 
Courtney said "Yeah George Bush!"

Scarlett says "Al Girl is going to be the new president."

Austin's favorite television show is Tim The Tool Man Taylor.

While eating breakfast at McDonald's, on a field trip, Noah said "They 
got beannie weenies here!"

Alison says "Jesus was a real man! And he was on this earth before I  was born. I was born when the olympics was."

While talking about fire safety Sarah said "My mommy has a friend 
named aunt Regina and she has a broke smoke detector cause she ain't  got no batteries."

Hagan said "Did you hear that? Her Josh has a earring in his ear!"

Amber was drawing a picture of her family. She asked Mrs. Brenda how
to spell cool. She wrote cool on the picture of her Daddy's shirt. She then said "My Daddy is cool cause he has a lot of shirts that say so."

When asked what ship the pilgrims came to America on Alison raised her
hand and said "I know, the cauliflower."

After getting a drink of water, Cailen said "Mrs. Lisa you guys need to pay the water bill cause I got a drink out of the water fountain and it's
almost empty."

Matthew opened his mouth very wide and said "I hurt in my mouth way
down in my throat."

Austin was talking about the movie The Titanic and, very excited, said "Mrs. Jana did you hear about that big ole boat? It broke in half. It 
 happened last night. I saw it on TV."

While getting their coats out of their cubbies to go outside  Sammy said 
"I didn't wear my coat today. Did my Mommy bring it and put it in that

While in music class Cailen said "Mrs. Lisa wants to be a Dixie Chick
soooooo bad!"

While looking at another students artwork, using toothpicks, Mandy 
said "Be careful those poke things will come off."

Noah was talking about his house and his Christmas tree and said "I got
a Christmas tree about 100 tall and it can touch the roof."

While eating lunch, Sammy was sitting next to Mrs. Brenda. The sun was
shining on her face and he looked at her strangely. While pointing to his 
upper lip he stated " You got a lot of hair on there!"

Taslynn was drawing a picture of her Mommy. She drew a huge circle  and said "This my Mommy's head. It's real big."