This is our housekeeping center.
As children act out roles in the housekeeping center,
they develop many new skills. They learn about themselves, their families,
and society around them. Engaging in dramatic play, they collect and draw
upon their previous experiences. They learn to judge and select relevant
information in order to enact play episodes. This is an essential skill
for intellectual development. Children also learn from one another as they
interact in socio-dramatic play. They learn to ask and answer questions
and to work together to solve problems. They develop the ability to concentrate
as they remain in the same play themes for increasing periods of time.
*Objectives for Socio-Emotional Development
*Objectives for Cognitive Development
*Objectives for Physical Development
Amber makes pizza.
Taslynn washes the babies hair.
Matthew is a cop.
Haylee says "Girls can be cops to!"
Austin and Hagan take 911 calls.
Noah says "Hold on, I'm coming in!"