Come on outside!

Opportunities to climb, run, jump, skip, hop, throw, catch, and use their "outside" voices provide children with a healthy release and break from the quieter activities of the classroom. Being outside allows children to stretch their muscles, breathe in fresh air, take in sunshine, and enjoy the freedom of space. What goes on outdoors, however, is much more than physical activity. The special qualities of the outdoor environment set the stage for unique experiences. Science, for example, comes alive when nature is explored and observed firsthand. Children can watch plants grow and follow the change of seasons. As children wee leaves change color, taste snow, touch the bark of a tree, hear crickets, or smell the air after a rain shower, they are using all their senses to learn about the world. Art, music, reading, dramatic play, constructive play, social play, and caring for pets can all take place outdoors.

*Objectives for Socio-Emotional Development
   #Take turns, negotiate compromises, and cooperate (using playground equipment, sharing art materials, and playing group games).
   #Enhance self-confidence (learning to use small and large muscles in competent ways).
   #Increase independence (climbing a stepladder or going down a slide unassisted.

*Objectives for Cognitive Development
   #Plan and carry through ideas (playing games, building sand structures, doing woodwork, creating artwork, and growing plants).
   #Solve problems (making a tunnel through sand, getting from one place to another on playground equipment, connecting two pieces of wood).
   #Reenact life experiences (playing ambulance driver, painting a fence with water washing dolls or dishes).

*Objectives for Physical Development
   #Develop large muscle skills (climbing, swinging, jumping, skipping, and running).
   #Improve balance (climbing, swinging, sliding, using the balance beam, using spring-rocking equipment, hopping, and walking on different surfaces).

Hang on Cailen!

One, two, three....JUMP!

Sarah says "this slide makes
my hair stand up."

Nikki winks and says
"how bout this hair?"